And, well, he has done a terrible job, because today’s production is at 339,000 barrels they have lost 2,644,000 barrels of production, and it has been his fault because these numbers that I am telling you are audited numbers. He has accumulated seven years of doing what he wants with PDVSA, what he wants with the government. What did Maduro do? Maduro has been in the government for seven years now. That is, I handed over to Maduro a company that was working well, the fifth largest oil company in the world. A company that had assets for $231 billion, had plants and equipment for $130 billion, and a net worth of $84 billion. All the refineries were working - we produced gasoline, we produced diesel, we produced gas. In 2013, I led a company that produced 3 million barrels of oil per day and that was capable of supplying the domestic market. No! In oil, and on this subject, you talk with numbers. In this I want to be very, very precise, because you know this is not a subjective perception that you say how you feel and you feel good or you feel bad. RR: Look, PDVSA is in the situation it is because of Maduro’s bad government. So, look, for example, why the PDVSA debacle? And what is your responsibility in the PDVSA debacle if you were in PDVSA for 12 years? Why is PDVSA the way it is? And what is your responsibility there? This is the first thing I would ask you. Vladimir: There are many current issues that we want to discuss with you, but there are also many issues with your management that are important to address because there is plenty, right? You were at the head of PDVSA for 12 years and, besides that, I understand that in previous years you also had other responsibilities. So, we give you the most cordial welcome, Rafael, thank you for accepting the invitation to this show.

As we announced yesterday, we are going to talk with Rafael Ramírez, former Vice President of the Economic Area, former President of PDVSA, former Minister of Oil, and former Venezuelan Ambassador to the United Nations. Vladimir: Good morning dear friends, welcome to Vladimir a la carta.